Community News

Floods Cut Bruce Highway In Six Spots For Six Days

Floods Cut Bruce Highway In Six Spots For Six Days

In a joint press conference held at the still flooded Plantation Park, and standing next to the Bruce Highway, Federal Member for Dawson Andrew Willcox, led calls for urgent road upgrades after North Queensland was again cut off from the rest of the state and country.

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Queensland Rail Come To Aid Of Marooned

Queensland Rail Come To Aid Of Marooned

With the recent floods cutting access on the Bruce Highway between Home Hill and Ayr, many people were left marooned, finding themselves stranded on either side of the river. Doctors, nurses, patients, teachers, students, workers, didn’t matter – everyone was stuck!

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It’s Finally Over!

It’s Finally Over!

It’s over! The rains that persisted for nearly two weeks straight finally ended and the flooding has begun to subside in the Burdekin. And it’s about… fricken time! [I wanted to put something else but my editor won’t allow it] though I’m sure you all echo my sentiments regardless.

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Bickies For Stranded!

Bickies For Stranded!

With the recent floods cutting off Home Hill from Ayr, which left locals, travellers and northerners alike stranded, new resident and Home Hill transplant, Jennifer Rasmussen, resolved to do her bit to help those that got caught out and found themselves stuck.

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Ayr Is A High Priority Says QLD Emergency Management Coordinator

February 20, 2025

Andy Pethybridge, the Queensland Police Services Emergency Management Coordinator, found himself in the Burdekin to help take care of the situation, explaining why the recent floods here in Ayr, is a high priority.

“This region is a priority due to its high population and isolation, with 16 out of 21 emergency management coordinators rotated through this area. It was considered higher risk with the high population being isolated for long periods of time, and also having a high risk with the Plantation Creek crossing, where medical supplies, supply lines, and all those things, we need to make sure they keep functioning and working,” Andy explains.

“I'm allocated to the Burdekin at present, and Charters Towers, Flinders, and Richmond. My role is to mentor, advise, and support disaster management groups that are chaired at the local level by the respective mayor.”

Recent events such as these floods, led to logistical challenges, including 40 trucks being turned back to the Northern Territory, as Andy continues.

“In Richmond, they recently went up to their activation status of stand up. Every one of the four I mentioned earlier are all currently at stand up due to the activation of the event. But up there, they had approximately 40 trucks that couldn't get through the flood waters in the outback, and they had to be turned around and go back to the Northern Territory,” he states.

“We try and keep an awareness because we want to keep our logistic roads open and making sure that our supplies are up there for people to tap into,” Andy adds.

“A good example is the current rail system with the bus that we've worked in with Queensland Rail, and we've got that up and running as quick as we could. It's operating and working well and helping communities get back up and running again.”

“In the Burdekin, I’m seeing a community that does a really good job here, but also a disaster management group doing good things behind the scenes. We just fill in the gaps at a time of need to make sure we can do everything we can,” Andy concludes.

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Chance To Recognise Local Flood Legends

February 20, 2025

As the clean-up and recovery efforts continue following devastating flooding in North Queensland, Member for Burdekin Dale Last calls on the community to nominate a local legend who has gone the extra mile to help their community during recent challenging times.

Recent weeks have seen community members across the district go above and beyond to ensure essential services were able to continue and vulnerable community members have the assistance needed to access medical supplies or a warm meal.

Mr Last said having seen the devastation caused and the community response as flood waters receded, he wanted to ensure the efforts of business owners, volunteers and everyday community members were recognised.

“Recent weeks have seen widespread impacts to our community yet there are everyday people whose actions have undoubtedly eased the pressure on emergency services and helped to restore calm in uncertain times,” Mr Last said.

“We’ve seen businesses prepare extra meals for flood damaged communities and provide essential services to those in need. We have seen our emergency service volunteers show utmost dedication in our community’s darkest hour. And we have seen everyday residents providing food and assistance to their neighbours.”

“I want to ensure those people who deserve it, receive our community’s recognition and thanks for their efforts, which is why I am calling on anyone who knows of someone who has gone above and beyond in recent weeks to nominate a community hero.”

Mr Last said the Premier’s recent visit to the Burdekin region had not only offered insight into the extent of the damage caused by floodwaters but also opportunities to build back better.

“Having the Premier meeting with flood affected residents in Giru and meeting emergency first responders who went well beyond the call of duty for that community was incredibly crucial, particularly when it comes to reviewing our disaster response,” Mr Last said.

“If you believe someone you know deserves our community’s thanks please visit to nominate them as a community hero.”

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Premier Praises Motel For 300 Meals In 3 Days

February 20, 2025

The Burdekin region has been left reeling from the devastating impact of recent flooding, with countless residents grappling to rebuild their lives amidst the widespread destruction. In the face of such adversity, however, a powerful sense of community spirit has emerged, providing a much-needed beacon of hope and resilience during this challenging time.
Among the many inspiring acts of generosity, the Country Ayr Motel has truly distinguished itself. Over the course of three days, the motel staff worked tirelessly to prepare and distribute 300 meals, offering vital support to those most affected by the floods.
Queensland Premier, David Crisafulli, even took to social media to publicly acknowledge the motel’s contribution, expressing heartfelt gratitude for the kindness and dedication shown by the staff.
“It just shows the sort of community spirit that exists,” David stated.
His message of thanks highlighted the critical role those local businesses, like Country Ayr Motel, play in supporting their communities during times of natural disaster.
Their motel’s efforts went far beyond simple hospitality—they became a lifeline for families struggling to cope with the aftermath of the disaster, ensuring no one in the community went without nourishment in their hour of need.
The selflessness and unwavering commitment of the Country Ayr Motel team have not only provided much-needed physical relief but have also served as a beacon of comfort and inspiration for many.
Their actions underscore the incredible power of local businesses banding together in times of crisis, demonstrating that, when faced with hardship, it’s the collective strength of communities that can make all the difference.

The Premier, David Crisafulli (second from right) seen here with Dale Last (far right), and Burdekin Shire Council Mayor (second from left), publicly thanked Ayr Country Motel staff.

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Cr Column Councillor Amanda Hall

February 20, 2025

What can I say about our wonderful community?  Despite some negativity late last year into early this year, the people of the Burdekin Shire have proven once again, that they are caring, generous and resilient.  During the recent flood event, the support for and kindness shown to our neighbors and visitors was simply astounding.  This is part of the reason I love our people and community so much.  “When the going gets tough, the Burdekin gets going.”  
We, as a Shire, were extremely privileged in the wake of the flooding to have Queensland Premier David Crisafulli and Tony Perrett MP, Minister for Primary Industries visit us to assess damage alongside Dale Last MP, Member for Burdekin, Minister for Natural Resources and Mines, Minister for Manufacturing and Minister for Regional and Rural Development.   Andrew Willcox MP, Federal Member for Dawson also showed his ongoing support for the people of the Burdekin Shire by visiting flood affected areas, while Premier Crisafulli and Senator Susan MacDonald stood alongside Federal Opposition Leader Peter Dutton in surveying the damage in Ingham.
Last Saturday, Council welcomed Her Excellency, the Honorable Dr Jeannette Young, Governor of Queensland to the Burdekin.  Dr Young wished to convey her appreciation to those involved in the Disaster Management during the flooding.  How wonderful to know that we, as a Shire, matter.  Now for future flood-proofing and “building it back better.”
Personal hardship financial assistance is available for Queensland communities impacted by the North and Far North Tropical Low event.  Grants include:
   • Emergency Hardship Assistance
   • Essential Services Hardship Assistance
   • Essential Household Contents Grant
   • Essential Services Safety and Reconnection
   • Structural Assistance Grant
To find out if you are eligible for assistance, visit:
As we move on from disaster, let us all look forward to the many exciting events planned for the year.  One particular highlight being the special guest for Fast track 2025 which is proudly sponsored by Burdekin Motors, acclaimed actor and singer Hugh Sheridan.  How exciting is THAT?  I recently read a post on social media that encouraged people to be mindful of the dangers of negativity when posting and…
“Let’s be mindful, respectful and work together to build a better community.”
I couldn’t have said it better myself.   God Bless.

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Minute with the Mayor Mayor Pierina Dalle Cort

February 20, 2025

I stand to be corrected, but I don’t believe we have ever seen as many visitors to our region as we have over the past week. We have welcomed visits from Premier of Queensland, the Hon. David Crisafulli MP; Queensland State Disaster Recovery Coordinator Andrew Cripps, Leader of the National Party and Federal Member for Maranoa, the Hon. David Littleproud MP; Federal Member for Dawson, Andrew Willcox MP; Senator for Queensland and Shadow Minister for Resources, Senator Susan McDonald; and Governor of Queensland, Her Excellency the Hon. Dr Jeannette Young AC PSM.
These visits have provided an important opportunity to share firsthand the challenges our community has faced and to advocate for the support we need to recover and rebuild.
In times of hardship, it is crucial that we remain connected with all levels of government to ensure that the Burdekin community is not forgotten. The recent disaster has had a significant impact on many residents, and we must continue pushing for assistance, resources, and funding. My fellow councillors and I are committed to making sure our voices are heard and that we receive the support necessary.
I also want to take a moment to acknowledge the incredible generosity of our community. During times of crisis, it is the people who truly make a difference. A heartfelt thank you to the incredible people in our community who went above and beyond, whether as volunteers or simply as neighbours lending a helping hand. The stories I have heard have truly touched my heart, and I am honoured to serve as your Mayor.
Should you wish to reach out, don’t hesitate to contact me directly by phone on 0447 150 582, or feel free to send an email to

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Ayr Hospital Transports Patients By Rail & Heli’s In Nurses

February 20, 2025

As a result of the flooding in the region recently, several patients at the nearby Ayr Health Hospital Service had to be transported by rail, while some nurses were flown in from helicopter to assist, after getting cut off from the rising waters.

Patients who required renal care were moved by rail via the rail-cart set up by the local council in conjunction with Queensland Rail, just so they could receive their daily dialysis treatment. A decision was also made by Ayr & Home Hill Health Services, which opted to fly in nurses who were left stranded, just so the hospital could run more effectively.

It proved to be a masterstroke, with the road closures lasting several days, which kept patients unable to attend critical appointments, or health workers able to get to work.

Since the rains from the recent tropical low weather system brought about flooding to the region, resulting in entire towns and communities being cut off, Ayr Health Hospital was no different, and like everyone else, they were affected in many ways, as Director of Nursing, Tracy Gabiola explains.

“The Ayr & Home Hill Health Hospital remained at capacity within our acute ward, but it’s been very hectic in our Emergency Department as usual, however, we also safely delivered six beautiful babies,” Tracy says.
“Ayr Service staffing had been impacted due to a significant number living rurally where the creeks prevented access to town. Additionally, the road between Ayr and Home Hill was closed last Saturday so our staff who live in Home Hill, were stranded and unable to come to work, and Home Hill staff who live in Ayr, also left stranded.”

“In conjunction with the Home Hill Acting Director of Nursing, Joanne McBow, we contacted the relevant staff and arranged change of shifts and secondment to work in the other facilities where they live, which was ongoing until the roads opened.” 
“With roster deficits, THHS supported us to use Townsville Helicopters to fly staff who were stranded at Jarvisfield, out. Plus Q-Rail also helped us transfer patients and staff across by rail due to the the road closure between Ayr and Home Hill,” she says.
“We have experienced weather events like this in the past and planning is done in advance, however, it is always a difficult time managing the communities’ expectations and supporting them with reliable information and updates. Stock of food, clinical consumables, medicines and vaccines etc is reviewed continually during our wet season.”
“I have again been amazed at the willingness of staff across all disciplines who have reached out and gratefully worked additional hours, swapped shifts, or moved out of their homes to ensure continuity of service.”

“I must also admit, however, that we are all ‘a bit over it now’ and just really looking forward to get back up and running to full capacity without interruptions,” Tracy smiles.

Patients and nurses aboard the Q-rail cart. Photo: Supplied
Queensland Rail coming to the aid of Ayr & Home Hill Health Services. Photo: Supplied

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Integration Progress A Win-Win For Sugarcane Farmers

February 20, 2025

QCAR is moving at its usual rapid pace on the QCAR integration with the Australian Cane Farmers Association (ACFA) front.
As we have been saying, this is bringing two pro-active organisations who are, and will continue to, deliver a powerful and passionate voice for representation and advocacy for all sugarcane farmers and their industry.  
The super drivers behind the integration, the QCAR Board, had a vision to provide even more benefits and services across their ever-growing representative footprint through its local, on-the-ground district managers and local committees.
And so it comes to fruition bringing the local, state, and federal representation of QCAR to new heights via the long-standing and respected organisation ACFA.  
The QCAR Central District team has been contacting all ACFA members throughout the regions of Proserpine, Mackay, and Plane Creek in recent weeks to activate their dual membership.
One of the key messages from QCAR is that the dual membership comes at no additional cost – a win-win for all members with the additional advantages.
The current transitional period is expected to be finalised in 2025.
QCAR will soon be holding elections to establish the chairman, deputy chairman and committee members for each regional district, including QCAR Central.
Each district will then nominate the committee member/s they want to represent them on the QCAR Board. After that, the QCAR Board will select representatives to sit on the ACFA Board.
To make sure your vote counts in these upcoming elections, you will need to be registered as a QCAR member either by a new membership, in which you automatically become a member of both, or for ACFA members a simple one-pager taking up the offer of the dual membership. Easy peasy.
All our valued ACFA members – if you have not yet received a letter explaining the integration, please get in touch.
If you have any questions regarding the integration or how to take up the dual membership for QCAR – ACFA, please call:

   • QCAR Central District Manager Sonia Ball 0467 573 321 or email
   • QCAR Central District Committee Chairman Steve McKeering 0439 088 654
   • QCAR Head Office: 4783 2111
Our far northern counterparts and Burdekin neighbours are in our thoughts as flood waters reside, cleaning up continues and damage assessed. While we have fared far better in our Central District, we are reminded that problems can sometimes seem insurmountable and long-lasting, and we may need to check in with our family and friends.
Going through a crisis or disaster can have significant impacts on our mental health, but sometimes it is the myriad of little things that build up over time and can play on our minds. It could be anything from financial, family and relationships to work, disaster, or illness.
It is important to remember that regardless of how big or small the issue is, the impact is wearing and tiring. Talking to someone can help.
Times are tough and sometimes it helps to talk. Whether you call someone, or whether someone call you – you will find that sharing often helps.
Please see our list of some suggestions of where you can find someone who can help. Stay safe and be kind to each other – QCAR Central District.

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Checking In On Our Growers

February 20, 2025

Simon Hood
Wilmar Manager Grower Marketing

It has been a challenging time across our growing communities, with every region affected to various degrees by the recent rain event.
The Herbert region obviously bore the brunt of it with extensive flood damage, lengthy power outages, communication issues and prolonged supply issues.
In the Burdekin, we had floodwater through Invicta Mill at Giru twice in the space of one week, and the whole region was impacted by localised flooding, highway closures and access issues. Our Proserpine region had some local flooding and minor track damage while Plane Creek largely dodged a bullet.
As our Grower Marketing consultants live in the regions, they have been reaching out to our growers to check in on their general well-being as well as assessing crop status for this year’s harvest.
It’s too early to say what the impact will be on the 2025 crop. Suffice to say that we need a bit of clear weather to allow growers to get into fields to visually assess crop status – particularly in the Herbert.
A few days of sun will also allow us to do a detailed inspection of our Herbert rail network and get the job under way of assessing bridges and replacing ballast that was washed away by floodwater.
Our Grower Marketing team has also used this period of time to talk growers through the wash-up of pricing for the 2024 season.
Even with final deliveries and CCS being lower than estimates, there were very few hard washouts, which is a good result.
There is still a portion of pricing to be done for the tidy up of the 2024 season with growers hoping for a kick above $700/t to close out their orders. Growers appear to be targeting $650/t as the next level to fix some more 2025 Season GEI sugar exposure.
Interestingly, results from our survey of growers last year indicated that, among the things that keep them awake at night, sugar price volatility ranked number four while the weather came in at number seven.
A quick reminder for growers who may need a cash injection with the disruptions caused by the recent flooding. Our Pre-Season Payment allows for an advance of $5/t cane for all cane nominated to Wilmar.

Repairing ballast washouts will be a key focus for Wilmar's Herbert cane rail network in the coming months.

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A Country Dream Forecourt Fridays At Burdekin Theatre!

February 20, 2025

Kick back under the stars at the Burdekin Theatre on Friday, 28 March for a night of live music, great vibes, and good company!
Burdekin Theatre are kicking off their new regular outdoor concert series, FORECOURT FRIDAYS LIVE, with a special guest performer Adam Harvey on his "Let the Song Take You Home" Tour! With a stellar support act, delicious food & drinks, and a relaxed atmosphere, it’s the perfect way to spend your Friday night.
Join country music legend Adam Harvey for an unforgettable evening of classic country. With a career spanning over twenty years, half a million album sales, gold and platinum albums, and nine Golden Guitar Awards, Adam Harvey is one of Australia’s most popular & enduring recording artists.
Touring nationally to celebrate the release of his 17th studio album “Let The Song Take You Home” - the live show will feature classic country songs that are sure to bring back some memories plus songs from the new album and all of Harvey’s hits.
Along with a sensational live band featuring Gabi Louise (fiddle), Julia Day (drums), Liam Kennedy Clarke (bass) & Rod Motbey (guitar), this is a show not to be missed.
He says of the album “I have learnt how intertwined songs and memories are. You can listen to a song, and it will take you right back to where you were when you first heard it, or when the song was part of a special moment in your life”.
One of the best entertainers in the business, with a beautiful deep voice and sense of humour, this is country music at its finest. Adam will have you in fits of laughter and singing along all night. Do not miss this show!

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Season Ends With Challenges And Lessons

February 20, 2025

The 2024 cane crushing season finally wrapped up in mid-January 2025 after a long 32 weeks, leaving around 280,000 tonnes of cane unharvested in the district. CANEGROWERS Burdekin Ltd (CBL) has voiced disappointment over the extended season, especially given the shared goal between millers and growers of finishing by the third week of November to minimise productivity risks.
The delay was caused by a mix of factors, including wet weather, mill performance issues, and drawn-out enterprise bargaining negotiations. A long season doesn’t just hurt growers in the short term, it has financial consequences for seasons to come. While Wilmar continues to invest in its business, the benefits aren’t translating into better mill reliability. Something isn’t right, and CBL is pushing for improvements.
Compensation for unharvested cane
Eligible members who were unable to harvest their cane due to circumstances beyond their control (involuntary standover) should receive compensation from Wilmar under the CBL Cane Supply Agreement (CSA). In the 2022 season, eligible CBL growers received around $20 per tonne for 15,000 tonnes of standover. The specifics for 2024 are still being calculated, but given the larger volume of unharvested cane, the compensation per tonne will likely be lower – though still beneficial.
Burnt cane and wet weather protection
It wasn’t just unharvested cane left in the fields – there was burnt cane too. The CBL Water Perils Scheme is in place to protect members who are left with burnt cane in the paddock after wet weather events. Unlike other schemes, it doesn’t impose burning bans, instead promoting a practical approach within CSA guidelines to ensure a steady cane supply to keep crushing going.
Mill performance payments
The extended season may also trigger mill performance payments for growers. If mill performance falls below set benchmarks, growers are entitled to payments. The South Bank (Inkerman) mill is on track to qualify for the eighth consecutive year, while North Bank mills (Invicta, Kalamia, and Pioneer) have met the criteria six times in the past eight years. However, CBL’s priority is for Wilmar to improve mill performance rather than rely on compensation payments.
Preparing for the next planting season
CBL offers an in-house service to help members with their N&P Budgets. The prolonged 2024 season – combined with the current wet conditions – is making preparation for the planting season difficult. Collecting essential soil samples before planting will be especially challenging.
Disaster Assistance and Weed Management
Following the recent tropical low, CANEGROWERS successfully lobbied the government for Disaster Assistance Recovery Grants. The organisation is also pushing for changes to grant rules, so growers can use funds to replace lost crops and access fairer eligibility criteria.
Weed control is another issue after the heavy rainfall. CANEGROWERS secured approval to use MCPA for managing vines and has also obtained an amendment allowing the use of other registered products.
If you’re not yet a member of CANEGROWERS – the peak body that truly leads the industry – get in touch with CBL on 4790 3600 to learn more about the benefits of membership.

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Home Hill Surgery Heli In Doctors

February 20, 2025

During the recent flooding here, stories come out of resilience, perseverance, and community spirit where people come to the aid of others. One such story is Dr. Tata and his Home Hill Surgery doctors who went over and above, to ensure the Burdekin had access to doctors so their medical needs were met.

After the roads were cut off, many patients were left stranded unable to attend their appointments, but so too were the doctors themselves. Rather than be forced to closed the surgery and have patients not get the attention they need, Dr. Tata and his team found viable solutions to ensure every patient was seen, which on one day, saw them attend to 100 patients!

“We were really scared, like everybody else, but we did not want to just close down, so we adapted to the flood conditions. Medicare lets us do 30 tele-health patients a day, and on Monday, when the roads closed, I rang the Department of Transport, and they said it will be closed for another three days. I was in Brisbane and had flown up to Townsville that day and rather than cancelling our patients, we hired a chopper to fly down. When we flew we saw a lot of water on the road. I thought that was the best choice we made, because otherwise we would have been stranded in Townsville for three days.” Dr. Tata says.

“We had two doctors here in Home Hill, and two doctors in Ayr. Dr. Dwija Karumanchi conducted home visits in Ayr, for around 20 patients. She actually came over on a tow truck, saw patients here, and then she’d go back on another truck. The day after that, they had the rail bus up and running, thanks to Queensland Rail.”

But it wasn’t just Dr. Tata and his team going the extra mile, he found the local community incredibly supportive of him and his practice also, as he explains.

“The community was very supportive and helped with sandbags and other flood preparations. Me and my wife, we went to fill sandbags, and I filled two, they filled 18, before I realised that the sandbags were already in place out front protecting the entrance. They also helped put up plastic at the entry way to better protect it. The local community was very helpful,” he says.

Despite the initial disruptions, the practice continued to serve patients effectively. It’s a testament to people’s spirit and ingenuity to ensure those who needed support most, got it!

“This is a very small community so to all those amazing people, the Burdekin community and Shire Council, the Disaster Management Group, and Queensland Rail, we are very thankful for the help and support.”

Dr. Tata & Dr. Dwija Karumanchi about to fly out of Townsville by helicopter. Photo: Supplied
Dr. Tata about to board the rail-cart supplied by Queensland Rail, so he could continue to see his patients.

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Governor Of Queensland Thanks Flood Workers & Volunteers

February 20, 2025

Her Excellency the Honourable Dr Jeannette Young AC PSM, Governor of Queensland, recently dropped into council chambers on Saturday, to give her thanks and gratitude to some of the workers and volunteers during the recent Burdekin floods.

The Governor and her husband, Professor Graeme Nimmo, congratulated a congregation of SES workers, fireys, volunteers, councillors, and the Mayor, on their great contribution in assisting and ensuring the community remained as safe as possible.

Burdekin Shire Council Mayor Pierina Dalle Cort, spoke afterwards and thanked The Governor of Queensland for attending, showing her own gratitude.

“There is a lot to be done here and a lot for the future to work on, but we've got some good people in this community, so I take my hat off to all of them because they've made me look good. These people are doing an amazing job.” Mayor Dalle Cort expressed.

“We've still got a community cut off in Giru, and so we'll deal with that as we go along. But good things are happening,” Mayor Dalle Cort added.

“It's great to come out and see communities really working together and looking after themselves and looking at what's happened, while making sure that everyone's okay,” Her Excellency the Honourable Dr Jeannette Young AC PSM, Governor of Queensland expressed.

Photo credit: Mark T. Rasmussen

Her Excellency the Honourable Dr Jeannette Young AC PSM, Governor of Queensland (second from right, bottom row), next to her husband, Professor Graeme Nimmo (far right), with Burdekin Shire Council Mayor Pierina Dalle Cort (on left), with some of the workers and volunteers during the recent Burdekin flood disaster.
The Governor listening to one of the flood stories.
The Governor of QLD and her husband, shaking hands and thanking each and everyone.
Mayor Pierina Dalle Cort and QLD Governor Dr Jeannette Young.
Burdekin Shire Council Mayor Pierina Dalle Cort with SES volunteer, Trevor.

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Zonta Club Burdekin To Host Dazzling International Women’s Day Brunch

February 20, 2025

An empowering morning of socialisation and sophistication will grace the Masonic Heritage Centre on Sunday the 9th of March, with the Zonta Club Burdekin Inc. International Women’s Day Brunch.

Annually, women within the Burdekin Shire look forward to attending Zonta’s International Women’s Day event and as the date for the 2025 event has been held since December of last year, feelings of anticipation and excitement have been shared across the community.

In 2024, the Club’s International Women’s Day event embraced the theme of
“En Blanc” and received an overwhelmingly positive sell out response. With a wonderful 2025 theme of “Dazzling Denim, Diamonds and Lace” March’s International Women’s Day Brunch deserves a place on every Burdekin woman’s calendar!

Zonta International has been committed to building a better world for women and girls since 1919, with clubs operating in most communities across the nation. The Zonta Club Burdekin Inc. holds a treasured space within our community and regularly supports international and local initiatives to continue empowering the women and girls of the Burdekin through service and advocacy. This May will mark the 31st anniversary of Zonta Club Burdekin Inc. and more information on the amazing work the Club achieves in the community can be found online at

What: Zonta Club Burdekin Inc. International Women’s Day Brunch
When: Sunday the 9th of March, 10:30am to 1pm
Where: Masonic Heritage Centre
More Information: visit or email

Zonta Club Burdekin Inc. members Linda and Kathy at 2024’s International Women’s Day High Tea morning
2024’s International Women’s Day event was enjoyed by many members of the community!

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STEM Opportunities At Ayr High

February 20, 2025

Opportunities for students to extend and challenge themselves in the STEM areas are varied and vast at Ayr State High School. Ayr High’s strong tradition in STEM has been achieved over many decades of staff dedication and desire to give students access to opportunities that city schools take for granted.  
This year, so far, Sophie Robertson (Yr 12) has just returned from the prestigious 2-week National Youth Science Forum at the Australian National University in Canberra, where she had the opportunity to work with leading industry experts and academics. Sophie follows in the footsteps of many Ayr High alumni who also attended this forum.
Also, attending the Curious Minds summer camp in Adelaide over the holidays, was Year 10 student Evana Bello. Evana had an amazing experience visiting University of South Australia and was linked to her STEM Coach, who will continue to work with her on the STEM Coaching aspect of the program in the coming months. Like Sophie, Evana had the opportunity to form networks and participate in a range of interesting and fun STEM activities not normally available in a school setting.
Over the coming year there will be many more opportunities both at school and externally, that students at Ayr High will be able to participate in. We look forward to many more good news stories in the coming months.

Sophie Robertson visits Canberra.

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Year 12 Students Spread Love And Joy On Valentine's Day

February 20, 2025

Last week, in a heartwarming gesture of appreciation, the Year 12 students at Burdekin Christian College surprised teachers with a delightful Valentine's Day tribute that brought smiles to everyone’s faces.
As teachers worked diligently to finalise class deliveries from the St Valentine's Day stall, they were treated to a beautiful serenade by Jo Mau, filling the air with warmth and melody. Alongside the serenade, the Year 12 students presented flowers to each teacher, adding a personal touch that made the day even more special.
The St Valentine's Day stall, organised by the Year 12 students, was a resounding success. Thanks to the incredible support from students, staff, and the wider school community, the stall sold out entirely, with all proceeds going to a truly deserving cause: HeartKids. This organisation has provided essential support, resources, and advocacy for over 40 years to more than 250,000 Australians impacted by childhood-onset heart disease (CoHD).
The students’ thoughtful gesture not only lifted spirits on this special day but also served a greater purpose, as funds raised will directly benefit children and families impacted by CoHD.
The Year 12 students had a great time selling teddy bears, roses, lollipops, heart pencils, and even offering the occasional serenade to spread more joy. The total amount raised from the fundraiser was an impressive $1,104.58, which will be donated to the HeartKids foundation.
It was a day that beautifully combined the spirit of love and giving, exemplifying the generosity and compassion of the school community.
Burdekin Christian College extended its heartfelt thanks to everyone who supported the stall, making it a complete sell-out. Their contributions will make a real difference in the lives of many.
Building on the success of the Valentine's Day stall, the Year 12 students are already looking forward to organising future fundraising events to continue supporting HeartKids and other worthy causes. Their dedication to giving back is an inspiration, and their commitment to making a difference is truly commendable.

Jack Wassmuth with the cheque for HeartKids
Some of the lovely year 12 students who surprised their teachers
The fantastic Valentines stall that raised $1,104.58
A lovely Valentine's tribute
Students bought items from the stall
Photos supplied

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: Hotel Brandon | JC’s Cafe
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