Thursday, July 18, 2024


Mackay and Whitsunday Life

$10,000 Raised And 88 Skin Cancer Checks At Biggest Kali’s Cup To Date

On Sunday 7 July, another highly successful and memorable Kali’s Cup was held at the Ayr Golf Course in honour of Kali Totorica.

Kali’s Cup stands as an annual event held to promote skin cancer awareness in memory of Kali who tragically passed away from Melanoma when she was just 21 years old.

The 2024 competition received both outstanding levels of community support and attracted record breaking team registrations.

“We had our largest golf competition to date with 22 teams of 4 people registered and many more people come along to purchase goodies from the bake sale, buy raffle tickets or try Nonna's famous pasta at lunch,” explained one of the event organisers, Kali’s sister, Liana Kennedy.

In a Burdekin first, Kali’s Cup 2024 saw the exciting attendance of the Australian Skin Cancer Foundation’s Skin Check Truck, and members of the community were encouraged to come along for their free skin check from 10am. Having the truck present provided locals with a representation of where their generous donations are being utilised, and the truck’s attendance was well received by the community, with many locals expressing their appreciation and gratitude towards Kali’s family.

“Having the Australian Skin Cancer Foundation's (ASCF) national skin check truck present on the day was so valuable,” expressed Liana.

“They were able to screen 88 people and identified 13 spots that would require biopsy - this is exactly why we do this.”

The 2024 annual Kali’s Cup event raised an amazing total exceeding $10,000, with Kali’s family extending immense gratitude towards the community for their support.

“We continue Kali's legacy to raise awareness for melanoma and to raise funds for organisations such as the ASCF who are doing such amazing work in this field,” shared Liana.

“We cannot thank the local community enough for getting behind this event and support us every year.”

Kali's family would like to once again thank the local community for their ongoing support and generosity. As always, they urge everyone to get a skin check as early detection may be the influential factor that saves your life.

Kali’s Family raise awareness and urge others to get regular skin cancer checks. Photo supplied

Kali’s Cup saw 22 teams take to the green for a spectacular day of golf
The slow-moes team who lived up to their name on the course
The winning team of Kali’s Cup 2024 celebrating their victory!
The best dressed winners nailing the mad hatter theme

Photos supplied

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