Who are you and what do you think qualifies you for the role?
Born and raised in the Burdekin and with over four decades experience in business, I truly understand the needs and challenges of our community. I have developed a strong understanding of effective governance, including through the completion of a Company Director course. Having previously served as Councillor for 12 years, I will continue to support, and leverage my wealth of knowledge and expertise to guide the region forward. My candidacy reflects my lifelong commitment to empowering the Burdekin and its residents.
If you could initiate a project or address one issue in the region – what would it be and how you would go about it?
Growth and Development. The 2015/16 Annual Report noted a population of 17,364, with projections reaching 19,500 by 2031. Yet, recent data shows only 16,842 residents. Housing is vital for growth, with pressure on the State Government needed to utilise vacant land. Collaboration with landholders and builders for residential expansion is crucial, especially with the Industrial Estate's ongoing growth and potential future expansions like the Burdekin Dam. Without growth, our rates will only increase, to the detriment of our community.
What do you think the people most want now and how would you give it to them?
As a mayor candidate, I recognise the diversity of our community's needs, yet understand the common concern: rising rates impact living pressures. I believe we need to get back to some basics and be discerning about needs versus wants, especially when maintaining existing infrastructure. There is a lack of urgency and efficiency when addressing concerns – this must change, and I will make it my priority to examine the current budget to better support everyday household pressures.
Tell us what your first 100 days would look like if you were successful in your election bid?
In my initial 100 days, I'll approach each day diligently, starting with collaboration with elected councillors. Henry Ford's words ring true: 'Working together is success. Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress'. Listening to and addressing councillors' concerns is vital for our new Burdekin management team. Putting our first budget together by June 30th will be complex—unlike standard Profit and Loss in business. Tightening the Council's budget will be a shared priority as we move forward.
Tell us how you will unite the community and ensure everyone is represented at Council
I am committed to ensuring that both groups and individuals are given opportunity to voice their concerns and are treated with due respect. Currently, there appears to be a deficiency in promptly addressing these matters, which I intend to rectify through a renewed sense of urgency and attentiveness. I will also empower our residents to contribute to development and improvement, not only for a more vibrant and resilient community, but to retain our youth and combat our ageing community.