The Community Bank Home Hill and Ayr is very excited about celebrating International Women’s Day, by supporting Zonta Club Burdekin Inc IWD Brunch.
Zonta’s International Women’s Day Brunch, to be held at the Masonic Heritage Centre, MacMillan Street, Ayr on Sunday the 9th of March, is a day celebrated globally that recognises women’s achievements and raises awareness about gender equality.
Some more exciting news is that the event has sold out in one day of tickets being released. This brunch will bring together 150 people, including students from the four Burdekin High Schools and visitors to the region.
International Women’s Day (IWD) is the local Zonta club’s major fundraiser for the year, with the funds raised going towards the purchase of 1,000 birthing kits to send to developing countries as their international project.
This year Community Bank Home Hill & Ayr are gold sponsors for the event and will be presented on the day with certificates of appreciation from Birthing Kits Foundation Australia, in recognition for their support of the project and their staff’s assistance assembling the birthing kits. One birthing kit, valued at $5, has the potential to save two lives – both mother and baby.
The inspirational guest speakers include Dr Tracey Ahern, Senior Lecturer and Course Coordinator of James Cook University’s Master of Nursing (Online), and Sarah Chapman, a former Ayr State High School student, Townsville Science Teacher, and recipient of the 2013 Prime Minister’s Award for Excellence in Science Teaching. She is the founder of STEM Changemakers, and has also helped build a team at Townsville State High School, which has become a magnet for parents and students who want to be prepared for jobs of the future.
Zonta Club Burdekin Inc celebrated their 30th birthday last year. On this IWD, Zonta International celebrates the power of women in STEM and their vital contributions to innovation and progress.
President for the Zonta Club Burdekin, Isabel Stubbs, says the region has great opportunities for women in the future.
“We are proud to support the next generation of female leaders in science, technology, engineering and mathematics through the Zonta Women in STEM Award—empowering women to achieve full and equal participation in STEM fields.” Says Isabel.
The Zonta Club Burdekin Inc gives a STEM award annual to Year 10 female students at each of the High Schools to assist with their education.
The Burdekin community spirit shines at events such as these that unite a community for a common goal, while the Community Bank Home Hill & Ayr can proudly participate, including staff and their children.
WHAT: Zonta Club of the Burdekin's International Women’s Day Brunch
WHERE: Masonic Heritage Centre, MacMillan Street
WHEN: Sunday 9th March
Judy Mitchell Chair Zonta Club Burdekin Advocacy Committee, Helen Andrews Woman of Achievement Awardee, Therese Smith Zonta, Area 5 Directo. Photo: Supplied