Thursday, February 20, 2025


Mackay and Whitsunday Life

Bickies For Stranded!

With the recent floods cutting off Home Hill from Ayr, which left locals, travellers and northerners alike stranded, new resident and Home Hill transplant, Jennifer Rasmussen, resolved to do her bit to help those that got caught out and found themselves stuck.

“One day my husband came home from work and told me there’s a whole bunch of people waiting at the Comfort Stop here in Home Hill, many of them in cars with very little on them, including one lady who also had her cat and dog with her.”

“I’d already seen a few local people offering support to people, such as one woman I saw online who created a tuckerbox of free food for the truckies, and a hotel making food for residents isolated out in Giru.”

“So when he told me about those souls doing it tough in their cars with nowhere to go, I decided to whip up some cookies one arvo because I genuinely love baking, and then go hand them out that same day.”

By all account Jennifer’s bickies went down a real treat, with several people genuinely touched by her kindness.

“I wasn’t expecting people to be so moved by such a simple gesture, which took me no longer than about one to two hours to do. A few drivers were visibly affected, with one almost tearing up he was so grateful. It really hit me. I didn’t expect that but it made me glad I did it because it really seemed to make such a difference and lift their spirits.”

It’s in times of need that such a modest act of goodwill can mean so much.

Newcomer to Home Hill, Jennifer Rasmussen, serving up her home baked bickies to those stuck by the floods as they waited it out at the Comfort Stop for days.

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