23 players turned out on another perfect winter’s afternoon. Incidentally, the last Thursday of this winter next week will be spring. Today's winners were Rink 3. Bob Y and Glen [Bones] over Paul and Cy. Rink 4. Jimmy, Tony and Johnno defeated Terry, Bob and Joe. Rink 5. Margaret, Stephen and Hugh accounted for Yogi, Gary and Mick Mc. Rink 6. Des, Ray H and Jeff beat Judy, Dino and Henry. 1st touches of the day winning a $5 voucher went to lead Yogi. 2nd Joe and eventually Skip got one, good one Cy. The winning team pictured Bob and Glen. 2nd place Des, Ray and Jeff. 3rd place - Margaret, Stephen and Hugh. The meat tray raffle was won by Ray Hollis a visitor from Groper Creek. The mystery ball was drawn by Henry. No winner. Jackpot next week $300. Thanks again to our sponsor Molongle Creek. Other events at the club include Monday morning fitness, Tuesday Trimmers, Wednesday morning Kraft group and Wednesday night barefoot bowls, Thursday morning BINGO and the very popular Thursday afternoon social bowls and now also Saturday afternoon bowls start at 1.30 pm, names to be in by 1 pm. The club is still taking donations of food, stuff, etc for the monster hamper to be drawn at the Harvest Ball. Tickets are still on sale for the raffle made and donated by Yogi a beautiful table with matching side tables.
Until next week, good bowling, Stephen Doig.