Thursday, May 30, 2024


Mackay and Whitsunday Life

Burdekin Community Association Inc Celebrates National Volunteers Week

Burdekin Community Association Inc celebrated their 20th National Volunteers Week celebration on Thursday May 23, recognising the vital work of their volunteers and simply saying “thank you”.
National Volunteer Week is Australia's largest annual celebration of volunteering, held from May 20 to 26.
This special event provides an opportunity to highlight the important role of volunteers in our community and invites people not currently volunteering to give it a go.
The volunteer event was centered as per the NVW theme, ‘Something for Everyone’ and recognises the diverse passions and talents everyone brings to volunteering.
Becoming a volunteer is an opportunity to explore the wealth of opportunities available, emphasising that there’s a place for everyone in our community for volunteering.
BCA came together for National Volunteer Week, embracing this theme to showcase the vast spectrum of possibilities and the impact that emerges when everyone finds their meaningful role in making a difference.
BCA volunteers connect with clients and community, through companionship, outings, arts and crafts, games, spiritually and with other community connections.
BCA Volunteer Manager, Rita Quagliata, expressed her heartfelt thank you to all her volunteers for their time, dedication, and commitment and how they truly make a huge difference.  
“In a time-poor world, volunteers bring the most precious gift, the gift of ‘time’,” Rita said.
“Life is short, everyone is busy and the short time that we are here, we should help make a difference.
“Consider making a difference, continue to help others in need with your time.”
Before the formalities were over, the cutting of the cake was drawn and the lucky volunteer to cut the cake was Rosa Torrisi.
Volunteering can help change everyone’s life.
It improves health and well-being, including increased longevity, adoption of healthy lifestyles and reduction in depression and stress.
It allows you to develop and use different skills that lead to establishing a real sense of achievement, develops confidence, builds self esteem and establishes new friendships.
Burdekin Community Association is constantly in need of volunteers.
Don’t hesitate, call in and have a chat with Rita Quagliata about volunteering or give her a call on 47833744.

Contributed by the BCA team

Back L-R: Bev Edwards, Dianne Noack and Rita Quagliata. Front L-R: Madeline Janiola, Jo Rodgers and Brenda Matthews
Stephen Tunbridge, Sam Caltabiano and Debra Cochran
Rosa Torrisi cutting the cake

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