Emergency Relief Program
BCA provides financial and material assistance for adults experiencing personal, family, relationship and/or financial issues.
The Service assists adults and children with basic needs in times of financial hardship, through the provision of:
- Food parcels
- Toiletries
- Vouchers (food, clothes, chemist, transport)
- Prepaid cards
- Payment of third-party accounts
Please note that a Centrelink Income Statement is required unless you are affected by domestic and family violence and not receiving a Centrelink payment.
Services are delivered from the BCA Support Centre, 130 Queen St, Ayr. Ph 4783 3744. Email bca@bcaburdekin.org.au
Operating hours: 9am to 4pm, Monday to Friday.
Burdekin Community Pantry
We are requesting donations for our Community Pantry. The items most needed are: - Fruit
- Vegetables
- Non-perishable food (e.g. canned vegetables or fruit, canned spaghetti or baked beans, long life milk, tea/coffee/sugar, pasta)
- Sanity items
- Toiletries
If possible, please deliver your donation to the Support Centre, 130 Queen St, Ayr. Your help is very much appreciated.
Services are delivered from the BCA Support Centre, 130 Queen St, Ayr. Ph 4783 3744. Email bca@bcaburdekin.org.au
Operating hours: 9.00am to 4.00pm, Monday to Friday.
MyndKind Program
BCA’s MyndKind Program provides Psychological Therapies – counselling sessions for adults and children. Free service for people who hold a health care card, pension card or concession card. Private sessions available on a fee for service basis.
Journey Coordinator – support for community members and provision of more timely mental health care and coordinated support.
Front Door service – information and support regarding mental health, alcohol and other drugs, social support services
MyndKind services are delivered from the BCA Burdekin Centre for Rural Health, 12a Chippendale St, Ayr. Ph 4783 2711. Email bca@bcaburdekin.org.au
Operating hours: 9am to 4.30pm, Monday to Saturday.