Tuesday, January 14, 2025


Mackay and Whitsunday Life

Burdekin Neighbourhood Centre

If you have been following Burdekin Neighbourhood Centre’s articles, you may recall our passion for “Compassionate Communities” and our commitment to fostering a better understanding of and support for death, dying, and grief within our beautiful Burdekin community.

We are excited to kick off 2025 with a community chat featuring Jane, the Bereavement Coordinator for the Specialist Palliative Rural Telehealth (SPaRTa) Grief and Bereavement Service from Townsville Hospital and Health Services.

We invite all community members interested in an interactive educational session to explore what grief looks like, learn how to support someone who is grieving, and discover ideas for self-care.

Jane will provide handouts and will be available for conversations and discussions following her presentation.

Details of our community chat are as follows:
Date: Wednesday, 29th January 2025
Time: 10:00 AM
Location: Burdekin Neighbourhood Centre, 40 Chippendale Street, AYR

Grief, mourning, and bereavement are deeply personal and natural responses to loss. While we logically understand that all life has a 100% mortality rate and that we cannot escape death, we often experience a wide range of emotions, thoughts, and feelings related to this universal truth.

The SPaRTa Grief and Bereavement Service offers support to those who are recently bereaved. Additionally, they provide guidance to General Practitioners, nurses, allied health practitioners, and other clinicians who are assisting bereaved individuals and families in their local communities.

We hope you can join us and Jane as we continue our journey toward building a more compassionate community in Burdekin.

Until next time,
The team at the Burdekin Neighbourhood Centre

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