Thursday, July 18, 2024


Mackay and Whitsunday Life

Completion On The Horizon – The Establishment of Jean Morris’ Headstone

Launched over twelve months ago, the Community Fundraising Campaign to establish a monument to honour Jean Morris will see its completion this Spring.

Sage 1 of the project recently saw the placement of a cement slab on top of Jean’s 93-year-old unmarked grave situated in at the Ayr Cemetery. With the first stage of the construction complete, organisers have been eager to launch the last stages of the project. A dream that has been in the pipeline for those behind the initiative will soon become a reality with money tins now available in multiple Burdekin businesses in a final bid to raise another $3,500.

19-year-old Jean Morris was murdered in Queen Street, Ayr on 3 October 1932. Henery Peterson, along with co-organiser, Paula Dawson, wishes the Jean Morris Monument will stand as a reminder of every murdered woman within Australia’s right to a much better life.  

“Stiletto Jean Morris’s murder was one of the most brutal in Australian crime history and still to this day is unsolved,” shared the organisers of the Community Fundraising Campaign.

“Due to this fact alone, we believe Jean Morris’ unmarked grave at the Ayr Cemetery deserves to be acknowledged.

We are fundraising to place a headstone on her grave, so she is not just another unsolved murder statistic.”

Donations towards the Jean Morris Burdekin Community Fundraiser can be made at Paula’s Place Hair Salon on Queen Street, Ayr or online via the “Stiletto Jean Morris Headstone Fundraiser” Go Fund Me page at

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