The State Recovery Coordinator’s visit to the Burdekin early this week is a significant step in both the recovery from the recent severe weather event and an indicator of the State Government’s commitment to build back stronger according to Member for Burdekin, Dale Last MP.
Mr Last said that meeting with stakeholders throughout the district would provide a comprehensive view of what still needed to be done to ensure the best recovery possible.
“The Crisafulli LNP government pulled out all the stops to support the community both during and after the weather event,” Mr Last said. “We had financial support, for example, available for families and businesses before the flooding had even subsided but we recognise recovery is not just about money.”
“Part of the State Recovery Coordinator’s role is to identify specific recovery needs in communities so ‘on the ground consultation’ is vitally important. A family in Giru, for example, may need assistance with repairs to their home while a family at Groper Creek may be more focussed on being better prepared for the next event.”
“It’s virtually impossible to undo all of the effects of weather events like this but that doesn’t mean there aren’t ways that we can support our key industries and therefore, reduce the damage to the community’s and the state’s economy.”
“For the first time, farmers have been given financial support to replant crops because recovery needs to be about the medium term as well as immediate issues. There will always be room for improvement and that is another good reason for the State Recovery Coordinator to engage with residents, industry and business representatives.”
Mr Last said the appointment of a north Queenslander to the role would ensure a clear understanding of the challenges faced in the region and also ensure the government’s commitment was honoured.
“Andrew Cripps is a born and bred north Queenslander,” he said. “Hailing from Tully, the importance of the sugar industry and the role that industry plays in the community is second nature to him and that is vitally important for the Burdekin.”
“While centres throughout the north have their traditional rivalries, it’s great that we have someone who understands the importance of infrastructure. Roads for example, are a vital link to work, to family, and to health care because public transport simply isn’t an option.”
“The Premier has given his personal assurance that our recovery will remain a priority despite recent weather events in the South-East corner. By having a local in charge of our recovery, it ensures that we aren’t forgotten just because the TV cameras have moved on.”
“My commitment is the same as the Premier’s when it comes to the Burdekin and wider north Queensland. The recovery process will be thorough and will continue for as long as it takes because that is, quite simply, what we deserve.”
Contributed with thanks to Member for Burdekin Dale Last.