Thursday, July 25, 2024


Mackay and Whitsunday Life

Cr Column Councillor Callan Oar

11 proud new Aussies made their pledge to Australia in the citizenship ceremony at the Burdekin Shire Council Chambers this week after Council meeting. I would like to congratulate and welcome each of them into our wonderful community.
On Tuesday, along with my fellow councillors, I attended a community meeting at the Burdekin Theatre to discuss the future of the sugar industry and what impact the milling companies can have on our livelihoods.
The common message coming out of the meeting was the potential for huge benefits to the community that could be achieved with shorter crushing seasons. Some of the benefits of a 5-month crush would mean bigger/better crops and less fatigued harvesting contractors. It was suggested these shorter seasons could be achieved if the millers could get their factories to be 90% efficient.
One take away I took from the meeting was that unfortunately, all stakeholders in this industry are still struggling to pull in the same direction. As everyone knows, there is power in numbers. Until we see more unity with these organisations, I fear we are going to continue getting the same results.
As much as this hurts, I need to congratulate Councillor Furnell on his team's Origin win. It’s nice to give those south of the border that winning feeling now and then. Hopefully, this helps for them to one day “just get origin” like us Qld’ers.

In other news