Debra Harwood, a 57-year-old mother of three and grandmother to 14, has lived in Ayr and the Burdekin area for over 30 years. Originally born in Mackay, Debra, who works at the Ayr State Primary School tuck shop by day, and Woolies at night stocking shelves, is surrounded by children almost 24/7.
“I was a volunteer at the tuck shop for a couple of years first before I eventually took it over, but since then it’s just been me. Though, I’ve just handed over tuck shop duties to my youngest daughter, which is great as I also work at Woolies on night fill. That’s going on 18 years. Then I also run around after the grandkids, because I'm raising two,” Debra exclaims.
A woman that works days and nights, has three older kids, 14 grandkids, two of which she looks after, you’d think she must wear a superhero cape under her outfit, but no that’s not the case.
“Ha, no, no cape, I don't know, I just keep going doing what I do. It’s okay but it does tire me out sometimes. But yeah, I keep on keeping on,” Debra smiles.
Even the very best superheroes have off days, wearing their battle scars as badges of honour. In Debra’s case, she’s currently carrying a Plantar fasciitis ailment, but it doesn’t stop her. And just as Batman, the caped crusader is known to do in his comics, Debra’s getting by on minimal sleep.
“I'm suffering with my own little hassles and medical things, like most of us, and while this plantar fasciitis in my heels is killing me, I get by on just three to four hours of sleep each night,” she says plainly.
So, what’s Debra’s secret? How does she do it when so few struggle, and on much more sleep than she gets? Surely she has a secret or hidden superhero power of some kind?
“Na, I get support all over, so it’s not all me. I’ve been doing it for years, so you just get used to it.”
Debra has also not been static either. With four kids and 10 grandkids, how can you be? Just as our favourite superheroes and heroines invariably do, she’s also travelled far and wide.
“I've been to several places, such as Brisbane, Alpha, Jericho, and other places and interstate. I used to live out there in Alpha with foster parents for a time. The other places I’ve lived such as Brisbane, I was with my mum where I grew up for a while.”
Debra enjoys the quiet town life of Ayr and what the Burdekin offers, and despite one her daughter’s suggestion to move up Townsville to be closer to her, she has no plans to do so.
“You always have problems no matter where you go, but I like it here. I quite enjoy it really. I don't think I'll move,” Debra states.
Debra Harwood, doing great things is a superhero for many. Photo: Mark T. Rasmussen