Last Monday night, the Home Hill Tennis Association hosted a thrilling showdown between Pacific Blue and Wilmar. The competition was fierce, with each round being decided by just a game or two. Wilmar edged out wins in the first and third rounds, each by a single game, while Pacific Blue took the second round by two games. By the end of the night, both teams were tied at 28-all. A special mention goes to Sarah Shepherd, who was the only player to win all three of her sets.
Pickleball Gaining Momentum
Pickleball continues to grow in popularity on Tuesday nights, drawing more participants each week. Last week, four new players joined the 22 participants for a free "Come and Try" session. A few weeks ago, the association introduced pickleball to two young French tourists who were stranded in Home Hill due to car troubles. Though they were skilled tennis players, they had never heard of pickleball. Since then, they've fallen in love with the sport, purchased their own paddles, and even competed in their first tournament.
Our regular players are also showing great enthusiasm, with many buying their own paddles and participating in Saturday morning sessions at 8am, followed by coffee at Home Hill News and Coffee. This Saturday, the association will be heading to Townsville for a social match against the Townsville Pickleball team. Sunday afternoon games will be held, weather permitting. For more information, please contact Kate at 0447 384 441.
Friday Social Tennis
Last Friday's social tennis session included a special Cancer Morning Tea fundraiser, organised by Del and the Friday crew. It was heartwarming to see retired tennis players return for the event. Junior coaching continues to thrive on Fridays, with strong participation from the younger age groups. For more information, contact Coach Kayla at 0408 014 066.
Facility Upgrades at The Home Hill Tennis Association
Thanks to the generous support of Pacific Blue, our new solar system has been successfully installed, with special thanks to Ian Gould for handling the installation. Additionally, our new on-court shades have arrived and are ready to be assembled, courtesy of funding from the Home Hill and Ayr Bendigo Bank. In the coming weeks, we’re excited to start the much-anticipated upgrade to our amenities block, with the contract now ready to be signed.
Busy Times Ahead for Home Hill Sports
This Friday, over 100 primary school children will gather at Home Hill for the first of several sports’ carnival days scheduled for this term. The town will be buzzing with activity as the children participate in various sports, including cricket and netball!
Interested community members of all skill levels are encouraged to email for more information on upcoming events!
Contributed with thanks to Kate Casswell.
The Home Hill Tennis Association invites players of all experience levels to come along for Friday Social Tennis commencing from 3:30pm under the guidance of coach Kayla.
Always a social success! Friday Social Tennis at the Home Hill Tennis Association hosts plenty of laughs and friendly competition each week.