Thursday, July 18, 2024


Mackay and Whitsunday Life

Flying-Fox Roost Management Plan

Burdekin Shire Council is calling on residents to review and provide feedback on the newly developed Draft Flying-Fox Roost Management Plan.

After extensive collaboration with community members, conservationists, and wildlife experts, the Council has crafted a comprehensive plan aimed at managing flying-fox populations in urban roost areas. This critical document is open for public review until 31 July, 2024.
Acknowledging the impact flying-foxes can have on residents, Cr Dalle Cort assured that the plan adheres to relevant legislation and incorporates feedback gathered through both in-person and online consultations.

“Council is committed to implementing management actions that minimise the impact on the community whilst also encouraging coexistence,” added Cr Dalle Cort.
The Council looks forward to active community participation in ensuring the sustainable coexistence of flying-foxes within the Burdekin community.

A copy of the draft plan is available online at and printed copies are available at the Ayr Library, Home Hill Library and Council Chambers. 

Feedback can be emailed to or post to 145 Young Street Ayr Qld 4807 or PO Box 974 by Wednesday 31 July 2024.

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