Thursday, July 25, 2024


Mackay and Whitsunday Life

From Africa To The Burdekin

It was another lively evening event for Home Hill Chamber of Commerce as they welcomed their latest guest speaker John Clarke at their monthly gathering last week.

John Clarke shared his life story and how he went from Africa to the Burdekin.

He grew up at Zinyangeni Mission Station and shared what it was like growing up with some of the world’s deadliest snakes, and also his quality of life while living there.

Lifestyle in Africa is extremely different to western countries, after thunder and lightning, John shared that local witchdoctors told the local community that the gods were angry.

Other differences included that, in order to attend school, many students had to walk miles to walk.

After time in Africa, John and his family made a trip to Britain where he met his grandparents for the first time.

John was shocked with the change in lifestyle, in Britain there were no servants! And he couldn’t believe it.

After the trip John was thankful to return back to Africa.

Back in Africa John enjoyed long bike rides in the bush and felt extremely safe, he also noted that there were no other white children around and the locals embraced them, cared for them and treated them like royalty.

After his junior schooling years John began an insurance job in London and hated it.

He disliked leaving home in the dark, returning home in the dark and missed his friends.

To complete his senior schooling, John travelled back home and joined the working world, and began at a bank, there he was offered a job as a programmer.

After years in the job field John found himself back in England but travelled to Kuwait on a two-year contract.

Whilst in Kuwait John started up his own business, John Clarke Computing Ltd (JCC).

It was in Kuwait that John found his love for Australia, he continually visited Australia as it was the closest country he could find that was similar to his upbringing in Africa.

John sold JCC and decided to travel Australia again with his partner Jane, it was on this trip that they found the lovely Burdekin.

Attendees at the chamber meeting enjoyed listening to John’s life story and gained a perspective of life in Africa.

Other guest speakers on the night included Mayor Pierina Dalle Cort who spoke about the budget for 2024 – 2025, Burdekin Community Association needing more volunteers, an upcoming Bowel Cancer screening and an Application for Community Cultural and Sporting Advisory Group members.

Doug Chapple asked about the Cane Cutting Festival and if it can resume on a twelve month basis. There was some discussion on this but not enough time to fully talk about it.

Karin Ravizza spoke on the Ayr Water Festival and said they had 12 Junior and 12 Senior ambassadors and that the event was proceeding very well.

David Jackson closed the meeting and said the next meeting will be the Annual General Meeting and that Darren West would be the guest speaker.

Guest speaker John Clarke

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