Thursday, July 11, 2024


Mackay and Whitsunday Life


At 3.40pm on Friday 28 June, Ayr Police were called to a local business after receiving a call of theft from that store.  As a result of investigations, a 23yr old Burdekin woman was charged with one count of stealing, three counts of possessing dangerous drugs and one count of possessing medicines when not authorised to do so.  She was released on conditional bail to appear in Ayr Magistrates Court on 22 July.
At 6.10pm on Saturday 29 June, Ayr Police intercepted a vehicle on Graham Street, Ayr.  As a result a 45yr old Burdekin man was issued a Notice to Appear (NTA) for drink driving, .232 and unlicenced driving.  He is due to appear in the Ayr Magistrates Court on 22 July.
At 3.20pm on Thursday 4 July, Ayr Police were called to an incident in Plantation Park, Ayr, where it was alleged an assault had occurred.  As a result of investigation a 46yr old Tablelands man was charged with one count of common assault and released on conditional bail to appear in Ayr Magistrates Court on 5 August.
At 9.50pm on Thursday 4 July, Ayr Police intercepted a vehicle on Norham Road, Ayr.  As a result a 46yr old Burdekin man was issued a NTA for drink driving, .104 and obstruct Police.  He is due to appear in the Ayr Magistrates Court on 22 July.
At 10.10pm on Thursday 4 July, Ayr Police intercepted a vehicle on Norham Road, Ayr.  At that time a 28yr old Burdekin man alighted from the front passenger seat and began abusing and swearing at Police.  As a result he was charged with one count of public nuisance and is due to appear in Ayr Magistrates Court on 22 July.

Vehicle Security

From time to time, vehicles are unlawfully entered with belongings stolen and sometimes vehicles are stolen.  
Some easy steps will help avoid being a victim of these types of offences:
   • Lock your car;
   • Do not leave the key in the ignition;
   • Do not leave valuables in the car.
Thieves don’t care whether you think you should have to lock up, they will just take advantage of any lax security.
Prevention and vigilance around your home and property can reduce these opportunistic thefts.  In most cases, locking your vehicles, homes and sheds & securing your belongings appropriately will reduce these thefts.
If you see someone acting suspiciously AT ANY TIME, ring Ayr Police Station on 4790 3555 or after hours ring 131 444, unless life threatening, then ring 000.
Crime prevention is a community effort.  Police regularly need public assistance and information to help solve criminal offences.  This information can be anonymous to crime stoppers.  If you have any such information, pls contact Crime Stoppers or Ayr Police.

Don’t let yourself become a victim of crime – Lock it or Lose it
If you have any information about crime or illicit drugs, phone crime stoppers on 1800 333 000.  The more detailed the information you give, the better it will be for all concerned.
Remember to secure your property – “lock it or lose it”.
You wouldn’t leave a dish containing thousands of dollars sitting on your bench or sitting out in the open, so why do this with your car keys
Car keys – treat them like cash

Did you know??
Who gives way at a roundabout??
A driver who is entering a roundabout must give way to any vehicle in the roundabout.
A vehicle includes a bicycle.
Regulation 114 Transport Infrastructure (Road Use Management-Road Rules) Regulation 2009

Home Security Audits
The Queensland Police Service have “ Home Security Audit” forms that can be accessed at the QPS website
Anecdotally the majority of unlawful entry offences are committed on residences or vehicles that are unlocked and/or have valuables in plain sight.  Locking your house and car & securing valuables including money, keys, wallets and mobile phones will deter opportunistic thieves.  
If you see someone acting suspiciously AT ANY TIME, ring Ayr Police Station on 4790 3555 or after hours ring 131 444, unless life threatening, then ring 000.
Crime prevention is a community effort.  Police regularly need public assistance and information to help solve criminal offences.  This information can be anonymous to crime stoppers.  If you have any such information, pls contact Crime Stoppers or Ayr Police.
Don’t let yourself become a victim of crime – Lock it or Lose it
If you have any information about crime or illicit drugs, phone crime stoppers on 1800 333 000.  The more detailed the information you give, the better it will be for all concerned.
Remember to secure your property – “lock it or lose it”.
You wouldn’t leave a dish containing thousands of dollars sitting on your bench or sitting out in the open, so why do this with your car keys
Car keys – treat them like cash

In other news