Thursday, March 13, 2025


Mackay and Whitsunday Life

It’s Finally Over!

It’s over! The rains that persisted for nearly two weeks straight finally ended and the flooding has begun to subside in the Burdekin. And it’s about… fricken time! [I wanted to put something else but my editor won’t allow it] though I’m sure you all echo my sentiments regardless.

While some outlying areas are still affected, such as Giru and Gropers Creek, for the most part the flood waters have receded, the grey skies have given way to blue ones, and the wet season heat and humidity is sticking to our backs and upon us once more.

It’s been a wild, unpredictable ride the last fortnight, especially this last week after Plantation Creek spilled out over the Bruce Highway next to Plantation Park and cut us off from one another for a full six days. While the Burdekin Dam was at 217% (the record is 221%) – and a whopping six metres above the spillway! If anyone saw photos or videos online, it was truly extraordinary.

We could all easily point fingers and lay blame squarely at government for not doing enough to ensure roads in Queensland are raised and upgraded, but it’ll serve little to no point.

If you truly want change, then vote in the candidates that demand action happen! No point bemoaning this party or that party.

What we can do instead, however, is applaud the tireless volunteers, from the S.E.S, emergency workers, community support groups, council, and other associated organisations, and give ‘em all a big pat on the back.

Even though some of you may not agree with aspects of how this 2025 flood was handled, what we can agree on is the incredible contribution of some to keep the rest of us safe.

I don’t care what side of the political fence you sit on, in a time of crisis, it was great to see so many reach out and lend a hand in support. That’s what great communities do.

In other news