Thursday, November 23, 2023


Mackay and Whitsunday Life

McHappy Day In The Burdekin

The Burdekin turned on its charitable spirit last weekend with people donning their Silly Socks and Helping Hands for McHappy Day, the largest annual fundraiser for Ronald McDonald House Charities.

McHappy Day helps seriously ill and injured children and their families stay together while receiving medical care in a nearby hospital.

“Every year, we are blown away by the generosity of our customers who dig deep for McHappy Day and help us raise much needed funds for Ronald McDonald House Charities,” said Licensee for McDonald’s Ayr Paul Rissman

“The funds raised will go directly towards helping Ronald McDonald House Charities continue to make a real difference to the lives of seriously ill or injured children and their families across Australia.”

Burdekin Shire Council Mayor Lyn McLaughlin and Councillors Kaylee Boccalatte and John Furnell

Mayor Lyn McLaughlin and Councillor John Furnell

East Ayr State School held a fundraising pyjama day last week before school captains proudly took donations on the day

Local emergency services also got in on the fundraising fun

Photos supplied

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