Thursday, July 18, 2024


Mackay and Whitsunday Life

Meet Local Hero Kay Duggan

Kay Duggan is a ‘born and bred’ local in Ayr, and a volunteer at the Burdekin Neighbourhood Centre where she is President and life member of the committee.

Having grown up and lived in Ayr for her whole life and attending St Francis Catholic School as a child, Kay knows the Burdekin community especially well.

She has been volunteering at the Burdekin Neighbourhood Centre since retiring in 1995 and became president in 2010. Before this, Kay was a minute secretary for the organisation.

While she is president, Kay insists that the Neighbourhood centre is a team:

“We're a team, I'm not into being the boss.”

Explaining why she loves the work she does, kay emphasised that the committee have become valued friends to her, and the centre is made to feel like a “house,” to invite community members in.

Kay assists people around the centre and said she has always had good interpersonal skills.

“I feel that if I meet somebody, I like to know how they are, what they're doing and why they're doing it,” said Kay.

Alongside her duties at Burdekin Neighbourhood Centre, Kay also is involved in the Hockey association in Burdekin, obtaining life membership in 1982, as well as becoming a life member for the squash association in 1981.

Speaking about her highlight from the year, the Burdekin ‘Biggest Morning Tea,” Kay stated:

“Donations came from in town, from the Community, from the business houses and also private people, they all donated with no worries whatsoever, the community is very, very generous.”

Coordinator at Burdekin Neighbourhood Centre Natalie Saroglia said, “Kay is one of those people that will get in and do things and where she excels is that she will take people as they are, she doesn't try to change them.”

The Neighbourhood centre is looking for a new volunteer secretary, if you are interested in joining Kay and the team, please contact the Centre below:

Ph: (07) 4783 4243

President Kay and Treasurer Elvie being awarded lifetime membership for their long and outstanding contributions to the Burdekin Neighbourhood Centre, Photo supplied

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