Wednesday, December 18, 2024


Mackay and Whitsunday Life

Minimising Spray Drift This Summer

As planting and spraying operations increase across Queensland this summer, all chemical users are reminded of their responsibility to minimise spray drift and protect surrounding areas.

Key tips for responsible spraying include checking weather conditions, using appropriate equipment, keeping detailed spray application records and communicating with neighbours about nearby crops that may be at risk.

DPI and Cotton Australia are partnering to promote best practices, including reading chemical labels carefully to ensure products reach their intended targets.

They also encourage sprayers to connect with neighbours to identify susceptible crops and coordinate activities.

Michael Reid, General Manager of Plant Biosecurity and Product Integrity at the Department of Primary Industries (DPI) emphasised the importance of timing and monitoring conditions.

“The best time to spray is during light, steady breezes and moderate temperatures.

“Avoid spraying on windy days or during thermal inversions.

“If conditions aren’t suitable, postponing is often the safest choice,” Mr. Reid said.

Michael Murray, General Manager of Cotton Australia, highlighted the importance of monitoring inversion conditions using the Weather and Networked Data (WAND) towers, particularly for growers in Southern and Central Queensland.

“Inversion conditions, which increase spray drift risks, are common during summer evenings and nights.

“We urge growers to check the WAND site at, which is accessible on mobile devices,” Mr. Murray said.

Factors such as weather, droplet size, boom height, travel speed, and application method all influence the likelihood of spray drift.

To comply with the Chemical Usage (Agricultural & Veterinary) Control Regulation 1988, users must also measure and record weather conditions at the application site.

For more information about using agricultural chemicals safely and effectively in Queensland, including record-keeping requirements, contact the DPI on 13 25 23.
Tips for spraying correctly
   • Keep your knowledge of application methods up to date. Attend equipment manufacturer or product manufacturer field days when these are organised in your area.
   • Read the agricultural chemical product label and follow the instructions accurately. Many products have specific spray drift management instructions dealing with optimal weather conditions and spray equipment.
   • If you don't understand a label instruction, ask someone who does before commencing the application. Product labels provide contact details of the manufacturer who can provide reliable technical advice to assist you if necessary.
   • If you're not sure about what you're doing, consider engaging a professional contractor.
   • Identify sensitive crops and areas (e.g. creeks and streams, livestock paddocks or schools) around the area where you intend to spray, and let the spray operator know about these areas.
   • Discuss your spray plans with your neighbours and contractors. Good communication can often avoid complaints from neighbours or prevent misunderstandings and unnecessary conflict.
   • If possible, maintain a buffer zone between areas of application and areas where there is a risk of damage from spray drift.

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