Thursday, July 25, 2024


Mackay and Whitsunday Life

The Home Hill Golf Club Celebrates Community Support with Bendigo Bank Grant

Established in 1932, the Home Hill Golf Club stands as a 9-hole course situated in the cane fields just outside of Home Hill.

The Club operates with a membership totaling just over 100 dedicated players with golf at the core of the business, and welcoming the occasional wedding, wake or party to the venue. The Home Hill Golf Club additionally holds a wildly successful Ambrose as part of the Home Hill Harvest Festival Program, donating part of the proceeds to the Harvest Festival Committee.

Encompassing a core group of volunteers to maintain the course and service administrative needs, the Club relies on the contribution and support of its members in one form or another to keep the Club moving in a positive direction. Observing grants and donations as the lifeblood of small clubs, the Home Hill Golf Club applied for funding through the Bendigo Bank Community Grants Program to support the works underway following 2023’s grant success.

Celebrating their successful grant allocation in 2024, the Club will gratefully utilise the generosity of Bendigo Bank to install solar panels on the existing golf buggy shed and upgrade the course’s meter box. The installation of solar will allow the Club to offset the costs associated with running the cold room and air-conditioners, an opportunity the Club has been looking forward to.

“The Home Hill Golf Club was thrilled to hear that we were successful in gaining this funding, and it will mean a significant saving in ongoing costs and enables the Club to become more energy efficient,” explained the Home Hill Golf Club’s Secretary, Megan Barbagallo.

“Grants allow clubs to expand or upgrade in areas that are not financially viable without help and Bendigo Bank being a community bank that gives back to the community is a real point of difference, and a wonderful addition to the region.”

The Home Hill Golf Club invites the community to attend their upcoming series of “Come & Try” days which have been developed to support women and encourage their participation in everything that the amazing sport of golf has to offer.

The series will extend from July to October, with the club to host the Harvest Festival Ambrose on Sunday 4 November.

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