We’re Two Months Into The Year, What’s Something You’ve Done You’re Happy With Or What Do You Have Coming Up That You’re Looking Forward To?
John: “I’m retired now but I used to work at the old Farry’s supermarket here in Home Hill as a butcher. I've been here 28 years now, I lost my partner about six years ago, I live by myself and so I just relax now. I got a son in town, and a daughter in Newcastle, another in Torquay, Melbourne. But now that I'm retired, I just go to a local here and have a few beers and relax and enjoy myself with a few good friends.”
Katrina T: “Well, there's two things that I'm happy about. While I was not happy about the floods I was still able to work during them with everything that was going on, which was wonderful. And I'm looking forward to going to Canberra in August for a Lipedema conference. It's a condition that one in 10 women can have. It’s where the body can’t break down a particular sort of fat. There’s not really much known about it. This is the eleventh conference and it runs for about two and half a days. I hope to learn a little bit more because I have some clients that have it."
Denny: “I’m looking forward to footy season starting, I guess. I follow Parramatta, which is all right. It causes a bit of fun and banter. I’d also love to take a nice holiday somewhere but I haven’t booked anywhere yet. The kids want to go to New Zealand to the snow, me, I just do what I’m told to do. So New Zealand in winter is the plan I guess. I’ve also been renovating. We put in a pool, I put in a shed. That’s it for me I suppose.”
Kevin: “Townsville! We’ve friends there so we're going there to stay with them for a week. We’ve come from Central Coast, New South Wales. It’s been a nice drive. We’ve taken three weeks to do it after we took a bit of a detour because of the storms early on. We didn't know what the weather was going to do, so we slowed the trip down, then ducked out to Lightning Ridge as we always wanted to go out there. So that’s where we went. I do contract work, so work six months straight then take a few months off. After Townsville, we just turn around and come home again.”
Katrina B: “What am I happy with? I'm happy with the growth that my shop has had. I'm getting things together slowly and just, yeah, building on that, building on making the shop better. I’d like more customers. Something I am looking forward to is a family reunion we’ve got coming up in May. That’s in Cairns so I’ll be shutting the shop for that to attend. The one that I did 10 years ago, we had 150 people! There’s a few of us. This time around though, it won’t be as big as a lot of people couldn’t make it. It’s harder to organise than running a business sometimes trying to get everyone there.”
John White is just looking forward to relaxing more and having some quiet beers.
Katrina Thorn’s happy she could work during the floods and keen to go to a conference.
Denny Webster’s keen for footy season to start and taking a holiday somewhere.
Kevin Grew is on his way up to Townsville to stay with friends for a week.
Katrina Bowen is happy with her shop’s growth while planning for a big family reunion.
Photo credit: Mark T. Rasmussen