Thursday, September 26, 2024


Mackay and Whitsunday Life

From The Heart

I would like to share my good news experience that happened to me.
My name is Valarie Edwards, and I am 96. In November I will be 97.
I have asked Rita Quagliata from BCA to help me to share my story for me.

I wanted to share this because it is worth mentioning and for people in our community to know, that help is out there when or if you need it.

I had just come out of hospital, and was home only a few days, when I started feeling sick again. But I ignored it. I thought nothing of it.

My support workers from BCA came to shower me.

Immediately they noticed that I wasn’t my bubbly self and that I didn’t look well.

My support workers were very concerned, that they couldn’t move onto their next client because they were too worried for me.

They decided to call the ambulance.

When I was back in the hospital, my doctors carried out more tests.

As a result of those tests, they discovered I had a rare and nasty infection.

I was hospitalised and, on a drip, and required antibiotics 3 times a day for 10 days.

My girls, my two angels (yes, I call them my angels) they saved my life.

If they didn’t call the ambulance, who knows what would have happened to me.

I want to thank Burdekin Community Association for their wonderful service.

I wanted to let people in our community know, that help is always out there.

I would like to thank everyone, the BCA, my angels from BCA, the hospital, and the doctors for taking good care of me and bringing me back to my usual bubbly self.

I want this message to go out across to the community, because of the care, love and concern I received from some wonderful people. 

In other news